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Extended Smartctl Controller Smart Data Support


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I am running Unraid 6.3.5 and I've seen this idea floating around on the forum connecting the newer functions of smartctl that allow polling smart data of drives from behind different controllers. For instance, I have an Areca 1280, and all of my smart data through the interface is still really choppy and mostly garbage.


If I want to check actual smartctl data, it requires an initial

lsscsi -g|grep "Areca"

to get the controller location (/dev/sg25), then


smartctl -a -d areca,1 /dev/sg25

to get the information for the "sdb" specific drive

(the single digit drive location corresponds to the drive letter for each disk...sdb=1, sdc=2, sdd=3...)


(Another issue specifically for the Areca was to  apply the disk identification fix created by bubbaQ.)


Has this been considered or is there a work around for it yet?

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This is supported in the GUI. Go to main page and click on a device name. It brings you to the device settings and in here you can set SMART parameters.


When there are common SMART parameters (e.g. all your disks are on the same areca controller) then these can be set under settings -> disk settings -> global SMART settings.


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