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Installing SPOTWEB as a docker


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How I did it:

1) Install docker  jgeusebroek\spotweb

2) Install docker linuxserver\mysql

3) telnet into unraid

4) switch input the mysql docker with 

docker exec -it mysql bash

5) Now do the following:

sudo mysql
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON spotweb.* TO "spotweb"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "spotweb_password";

Ga nu naar de webpagina van spotify (webgui) als http://<ip adres:port>/install.php


Volg de vragen, je moet onderweg kiezen voor je database server, kies daar je net gemaakte mysql server, user spotweb en wachtwoord spotweb_password  (of iets dat je daarvan hebt gemaakt) .


Daarna moet je de gegevens van je newsserver invoeren, doe dat ook.


Daarna begint spotweb zich keurig met alle NZB's te vullen.. Werkt prima.


Vervolgens kun je spotweb gebruiken als eigen NZB indexer.

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Well... I had a bit of a challenge :-)


Turns out whenever the docker is changed configuration got lost.. Fixed this in the following way:


1) Add an environment path /TEMP to the Docker and point to some temporary share on your server

2) Start Spotweb and configure it 

3) Log into the docker via telnet and copy /var/www/spotweb to /TEMP

4) Now add an environment path /var/www/spotweb to the Docker and point it to /user/appdata/spotweb (create that folder first)

5) Log into the docker via telnet aain and copy /TEMP to /var/www/spotweb


As far as I understand the config will now remain consistant.. 


Then setup a crontab job for the retrieve:


*/15 * * * * docker exec spotweb /usr/bin/php /var/www/spotweb/retrieve.php >/dev/null 2>&1



I think I made my first Docker, probably not the most efficient way, but it seems to work !

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  • 1 year later...

Spotweb has been a challenge the last months to keep running as a docker.. Something to do with database requirements changing... So I changed it to running in a VM... 


I use the same VM to host xTeVe in... I also was able to get that to run as a docker but it was extremely slow.. Its is running a lot quicker (though still slow) in a VM.

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