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drive showing errors while replacing another drive.


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I had a drive start getting errors. I just got the replacement drive. Normally I shut down to replace a drive but decided to try it live. When I went back to the webui to start the format on the new disk, another drive was stopped with errors. It was the drive next to the one I replaced and I'm pretty sure the drive is fine and I just jostled it a bit. I stopped the array and the drive showed as new and the other, a red X. I hope I didn't screw anything up but I put the disk with the red x as no device, then back to the original drive, thinking it would just bring it back online. I started the array and it started rebuilding and I expected it to give me the option to format the drive. Now the new disk is showing an orange triangle as contents emulated and the other drive, still a red x. I'm too nervous to do anything. Any suggestions?

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