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Assign full hostname to unRAID server?

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I'd like to have my box understand it's FQDN instead of just a single name. For example, I'd prefer to have:




Instead of just:




But the interface won't seem to let me. I can alter the NAME variable in /boot/config/ident.cfg with the proper thing, but I'm a little worried I'll piss off emhttp when I do that, since it seems to not want to accept periods in the web interface.


Anyone try similar? Am I asking for trouble?

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I'd like to have my box understand it's FQDN instead of just a single name. For example, I'd prefer to have:




Instead of just:




But the interface won't seem to let me. I can alter the NAME variable in /boot/config/ident.cfg with the proper thing, but I'm a little worried I'll piss off emhttp when I do that, since it seems to not want to accept periods in the web interface.


Anyone try similar? Am I asking for trouble?


....not sure what you want to achieve.

Do you want external clients to address your unRAID as "leng.home.domain.com" ?

In a setup where you control the IP of your unRAID via an external dhcp-server, this is easy.

...your unRAID should fetch it's IP and domain from there.

-> what's stated in your /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth0.info file?


Try to ping your unRAID in a local shell.

-> "ping leng" should refer to your unRAID loopback (

-> "ping leng.home.domain.com" should refer to your unRAID eth0 address


Try to find out what your DNS is propagating to the rest of the world.

try "nslookup <your-unRAID-eth0-IP-here>" from another client (linux or windows-cmd, because

stock unraid comes without nslookup cmd)

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What I want to accomplish is having "hostname -f" report back "leng.home.domain.com" for the purposes of something like munin. I'm using static assignment on the unRAID box right now, not DHCP. I could instead make it have a static assignment via DHCP if necessary, but I prefer not to have DHCP managing static IP's, in general, since it is based on MAC address, and I want the flexibility to change out hardware without having to edit/restart the DHCP servers.


As for external clients, yes, as long as I have DNS set up appropriately, it doesn't matter what the box thinks it's hostname is. But for the purposes of automated data gathering, its hostname being correct when interrogated is useful.


This isn't so much a question of how as much as whether unRAID is going to not play well if I do it.

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This isn't so much a question of how as much as whether unRAID is going to not play well if I do it.


OK, yes...I understand now.

Sorry, I am no expert of unRAID internals.


But I just checked inside a unRAID VM...when

you change the NAME in /boot/config/ident.cfg

to a FQDN, this is propagated into the GUI

as well as into /etc/hosts just fine.


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