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500 GB PATA @ Fry's outpost.com - $89.99 Limit 5 (Free Shipping!)


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109 today.


It;s too bad I am genetically allergic to Maxtor or I'd grab one.

Maxtor is now owned by seagate, so I guess your choices are getting fewer every day.


I ordered one... still with free shipping... just 21.8 cents per gig... not too bad. I already have two 250 gig maxtors in my array, figured another can't hurt.


Joe L.

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  • 2 months later...

I got two of these suckers while the $89.99 price was still good.


Looks like the Seagate ownership is showing (and I think that's a GOOD thing).


The plastic rim around the IDE connector and the data connector is now brown, like Seagates have always been.


The jumper positions for Master, Slave, etc., are now identical to those on Seagate drives.  Maxtor's jumper positions were always different before.


The typeface, font, etc., on the big label on top of the drives are now identical to Seagate drives.  Only difference is they say Maxtor in the upper right corner instead of Seagate.


And the model numbers are now using the same numbering system as Seagates, not the system Maxtor used to use.


I'd say these are Seagate drives with the name Maxtor slapped on them.


And since I've NEVER had a Seagate drive fail on me, I'd say that's a good thing.



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