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Mover Fail Notification (plus other mover features)


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Hi - I frequently go through set it and forget phases with unRaid (and I suspect a lot of users might rarely touch the UI in everyday use).  Therefore, I've come a cropper several times with my cache drive gradually filling because the mover hasn't been able to move some files and I've not realised.


A couple of use cases...

  • Ripped a new series of a TV show that's on a disk which has now filled
  • Ripped the Blu-Ray of a movie where the DVD version is on a full disk


It would be handy to receive a notification if a file could not be moved to the array due to space issues.


Either that, or automatically move folders without breaking the share settings to free up the necessary space (although I'm overstretching things there).


Other Nice to Haves...

Also, after spending most of the weekend housekeeping, the following would be handy...

  • Mover progress and/or expected time remaining.  Appreciate this might be a can of worms, but the mover was working, and I had no easy way to tell how far through it was
  • Mover stop/pause button.  I was moving files onto one of my drives and had to make space on my cache so I ran mover.  Unfortunately mover picked the same drive to write to and everything ground to a halt.  In retrospect, I could have used mc / Krusader to replicate mover manually, but the ability to cleanly stop a running mover process would be handy
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7 hours ago, Cessquill said:

An option/utility to automatically start the Mover if the cache disk runs low on space would be handy.

There's a custom user script that does this if you're interested.  I use this to check every hour and run mover if my cache hits 80% full, which is about every 2-3 days.

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1 hour ago, DZMM said:

There's a custom user script that does this if you're interested.  I use this to check every hour and run mover if my cache hits 80% full, which is about every 2-3 days.

Ooh!  That's handy - I'll go look for it.  Ever since using user scripts, dockers have been much easier to manage.  Thank you

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25 minutes ago, Cessquill said:

Ooh!  That's handy - I'll go look for it.  Ever since using user scripts, dockers have been much easier to manage.  Thank you

here you go


I love it as I've disabled the scheduled overnight job so that files stay on my SSD for longer rather than automatically moving say overnight, and only move when it's running out of space.  If I write a lot to my cache, the job just kicks in sooner.

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Thank you for that.  I've got a parity rebuild running at the moment, so I'll look tomorrow.  As a couple of other threads on here would tell you, my dockers have crashed and burned by the cache filling up.  Would there be any issues, do you think, in using this and the overnight mover?  Files could potentially stay out of the array for a while if nothing else is happening.

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1 hour ago, Cessquill said:

Thank you for that.  I've got a parity rebuild running at the moment, so I'll look tomorrow.  As a couple of other threads on here would tell you, my dockers have crashed and burned by the cache filling up.  Would there be any issues, do you think, in using this and the overnight mover?  Files could potentially stay out of the array for a while if nothing else is happening.

you wouldn't need the overnight job if you set this script to run every hour - it will then run whenever you need it, including overnight

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