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unraid doesn't work after restart


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Hi folks

Tonight, I stop the array and the server and after reboot, unraid doesn't work anymore.

Ping is OK but it's impossible to connect to the front page.

When I take a look in command line, unraid just ask for login, not password. The folder mnt/is empty. Same for /config/shares - This folder doesn't exists anymore.

Does this mean all my datas are lost ?


Here is the diagnostics. Hope someone can help me !


Thanks !


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I mounted a linux image on virtualbox, and plus my drive. All my data are accessible.
Is there a way to make a new install of unraid and keep docker, plugins, ....?



I check this page : http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Files_on_v6_boot_drive

i realize, all files mentionned in Starting Over section are absent of my usb stick.


I launch a copy of all my files to start a fresh new install later.


Can't explain why these files disappears :(

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