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Help Me with My Build


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I have been lurking here for a while but it is finely time for me to start planning my unraid build.


I am a sage tv convert so I have the remnants of an htpc that I plan on using to build my server.


The parts that I want to reuse are a core2duo E5700, and 4gbs of ddr2 ram. It will all be going into a Norco 4020 case with eventual expansion out to the full 20 drives.


I suppose that what I am needing help with is selection of a motherboard and a power supply. I have looked through the motherboard recommendations but they are a little outdated and confusing to follow. What motherboard is LGA 775, well supported by unraid, and has the sata ports and expansion slots needed to support 20 drives.


Thanks for any help, everyones insights and comments are welcome.

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What motherboard is LGA 775, well supported by unraid, and has the sata ports and expansion slots needed to support 20 drives.


At what expense and with what features?


I'm using a Supermicro X7SBE with 2 AOC-SAT2 cards and an IPMI card.

The board and cards are dated (and expensive), yet I have a rock solid server.


Are there other minimum requirements?

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Performance wise I am looking to stream blu rays to two locations.


Just simple storage really, I will also have a whs that handles sage and some HA duties and such.


I would like to keep things as cheap as possible while remaining stable. The AOC-SAT2 cards seem to be the way to go as far as expansion is concerned. Is it possible to put the server to sleep at certain times to save energy?

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Performance wise I am looking to stream blu rays to two locations.


Just simple storage really, I will also have a whs that handles sage and some HA duties and such.


I would like to keep things as cheap as possible while remaining stable. The AOC-SAT2 cards seem to be the way to go as far as expansion is concerned. Is it possible to put the server to sleep at certain times to save energy?


There are people who have gotten the server to go into standby. It takes a bit of effort.

I have not embarked on that path as I use my server allot.


It's fairly easy to write a cron job that shuts the server down at a certain time.

I believe you can set the bios to wake up and start the server daily at a certain time.


I did this with my XBMC machine in my stereo.

It wakes up with me at 6am all I have to do is press a few buttons and the music is on.

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