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Unraid 6.4.0 

Fix common problems 2018.01.21 .


The following files exist within the same folder on more than one disk. This duplicated file means that only the version on the lowest numbered disk will be readable, and the others are only going to confuse unRaid and take up excess space:

/mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img disk1 cache
/mnt/user/system/libvirt/libvirt.img disk1 cache


I am not sure which one I need to delete, if I am reading this correctly. I was hoping some one could clear this up for me. Thanks in advance.


Also Hi. This is my first post. :)

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Theoretically it should be ok to delete the /mnt/disk1/system folder and all its contents.


However... It would be nice to confirm which file is actually in use. From what you have posted, I have no idea of your level of experience with linux, so I'll summarize what I would do and you ask questions if something isn't perfectly clear.


1. Stop both VM manager and docker services in the GUI.

2. Check modified dates on contents of /mnt/disk1/system/docker/docker.img and /mnt/cache/system/docker/docker.img, also the libvirt.img files.

3. Delete the older copy of docker.img and libvirt.img

4. If the newer file is actually still on disk1, then run the mover and check if the files got moved to cache. Only things that would prevent that would be file system corruption or out of space.

5.  Start the VM and docker services back up, and rerun the check for dupes.

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