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Help with Flashing 9211-8i

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Hello to Everyone,

I am looking for some help to Flash my 9211-8i sas cards, I have 3x of them plus a 9300-8i.


I have read the flashing thread, tried 2 times with no luck. I am terrible at software and would like to ask if someone could flash them for me?

Would much appreciate the help and would pay for this to be done, plus the postage both ways.

I live in Switzerland.


Please PM me.





p.s. If this post is inappropriate, please delete mods..


Thanks vixfix, Fireball also sent a PM and have got the3x 9211's flashed.

I bought a new motherboard/cpu and ram, threw it on my test bench and flashed with no issues.


So looks like my about 10year old motherboards I was trying to use from my original Tower1 and Tower2 are ready for the recycle bin..


The last is the 9300-8i, do not have time now, have a busy arvo, but will look at it tomorrow.

This looks a little different for the Flash procedure.


More info tomorrow.


Much appreciated.


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