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Initial setup questions for a potential user


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I'm planning out how my first Unraid overall will go. I'm converting my Windows computer into Unraid. It is the only computer in the house.


Upon first boot/setup, can I access the GUI directly from the Unraid server....Is that ever even possible (even after setup)? I mean, The server will have everything directly plugged into it (GPU, Monitor, Keyboard/Mouse, etc).... it was my Windows computer.


When I'm reading setup guides, it just seems like another internet connected device on the network is a requirement almost immediately and the Unraid Server has no true direct display GUI.... It is always through VMs or another device.


This is the only computer I have and I'm hoping to be able to setup everything and use everything directly from it...including the Unraid Control Management GUI and eventually VMs. Is this possible? There will never be other computers in the house.



From the boot menu you should be able to select GUI mode. That will give you a limited desktop with Firefox to use the webUI. You can also change the default selection for the boot menu so it always boots into GUI.


Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for. I really appreciate the support here and am pretty much already sold on Unraid.

Just one followup question and I think I can figure the rest out.


Once I get through initial setup, I plan to setup a Win10 VM (definitely using SpaceInvaderOne YouTube guide). If again, using only the computer Unraid is on, how does one Toggle/Minimize/Maximize back and forth between the VM and the Unraid GUI?

I understand once my VM is setup, I will just use the VMs internet browser to access Unraid WebGUI.......but this question is directed mainly towards the initial setup/install of Windows. Basically, those times when my VM may or may not have the ability to reach Unraid WebGUI. My computer only has one single external AMD GPU.

Does KVM have some sort of Hotkeys combinations for VM magnement (Toggle, Minimize, Maximize, Powerdown, etc)?


First, a disclaimer,  I don't run a VM.  But this what I would expected from my understanding.  When you pass a piece or hardware through, it becomes unavailable to unRAID.  Period.  You are doing it so you get the fast possible performance from the hardware. 


What I would suggest is that you look for an old used PCI based Video card and assign that to unRAID console.  Most of the time when folks do this they are only going to be using the command line so any old video card (even a VGA card) will work but I suspect that the GUI needs a bit more resolution then that.  Looking at the display, I suspect you would need about  a minimum of 1024 pixels of horizontal resolution. 

First, a disclaimer,  I don't run a VM.  But this what I would expected from my understanding.  When you pass a piece or hardware through, it becomes unavailable to unRAID.  Period.  You are doing it so you get the fast possible performance from the hardware. 
What I would suggest is that you look for an old used PCI based Video card and assign that to unRAID console.  Most of the time when folks do this they are only going to be using the command line so any old video card (even a VGA card) will work but I suspect that the GUI needs a bit more resolution then that.  Looking at the display, I suspect you would need about  a minimum of 1024 pixels of horizontal resolution. 
Hmmm..... What your say makes sense and is what I thought but I also have read dozens of posts where people pass thru their one and only GPU. Are they all doing this and running Unraid without GUI?

Most folks have some other way to access the GUI--- another computer, Smart Phone, Tablet and the list goes on.  Yes, unRAID will run headless unless the Motherboard BIOS prevents it. In this day and age, you are the first unRAID user that I have heard of who does not have a second physical device that is going to be connected to it.  After all, unRAID is intended to be a server

Most folks have some other way to access the GUI--- another computer, Smart Phone, Tablet and the list goes on.  Yes, unRAID will run headless unless the Motherboard BIOS prevents it. In this day and age, you are the first unRAID user that I have heard of who does not have a second physical device that is going to be connected to it.  After all, unRAID is intended to be a server
I just did a quick search to confirm....once the VM starts, the VM takes full control of GPU and therefore Unraid GUI drops out....but can still be accessed via another device.

I have other devices (Tablets/Phones/etc)....I just wanted to avoid their usage. I'll probably just use those devices whole I'm troubleshooting my VM install and such.

Again, thank you for helping me out. Support on this forum is great!

Once you get your VM setup running you'll be able to access the unraid web gui from inside the VM.

Also - if your CPU/MB has integrated graphics you can use that to get everything going inside your VM. When you set up your VM just have 2 video devices one for VNC and one for your graphics card. Once you have all your drivers installed and ready to go, swap your monitor over to you graphics card and you should be good to go. I'm not sure how VMs handle hot swapping a monitor into the setup so you might have to restart it from a tablet/phone.


Thanks for all the help. I ended up buying a 2nd GPU since my MB doesn't have integrated graphics. Once I did that, everything went smoothly. I thought I could get away with just using my single/main GPU (AMD Radeon HD 7870), but I could not get that to work right. I was able to view/start the VM fine with graphics set to VNC, then after initial setup stuff I tried switching the VM graphics over to my GPU and it would never display right (IOMMU for the GPU was in a standalone grouping and MB supports VT-d or whatever its called.....literallly just following SpaceInvader One YouTube guide).

Anyway, once I bought the 2nd GPU and pointed my BIOs properly, everything worked like a dream. I'm fairly happy at how smooth this all went. You definitely need to do your research when you do this stuff.....it is by no means plug-n-play.....but is fairly straight forward since there are so many wonderful guides available.

Thanks again


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