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moving existing data onto new Unraid Build


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So I am planning on moving to unraid, but need to make sure I can move my data. I currently have a windows 10 PC that is used as a HTPC for Plex media streaming. How would I go about moving all my movies & tv shows to a new unraid system that is on a Windows OS hard drive?


Do you plan to use the Windows 10 PC to move the files to an unRAID system, or are you wanting to remove that drive from it and plug it into unRAID and copy its files?


The Unassigned Device plugin allows you to work with disks that aren't part of the parity array.


I guess either way would be fine. I am converting the windows 10 PC into a unraid system I just want to make sure I move all my data over without losing anything. I have more hard drives I am going to setup to the unraid. but I need to move over this 6tb of data somehow.


Hijacking this thread as I am into this situation. And I don't want to create a new thread the could be a duplicate.


Developers of unRaid, I face a big problem with the unRaid system when transferring data from old MacOS formatted HDDs to the unRaid.

As I already made a post here. I currently:

  1. Plug in a USB3 post, directly, my external hard drive
  2. I ssh to unraid, and I run this command:
    root@Tower:/mnt/user/unRaidFolder# rsync -avhE --remove-source-files /mnt/disks/externalHDD/folderToSave/ .


  3. Then when the system encounters an file system error, it ALWAYS ends up in a devastating 
    Segmentation fault


This segfault ALWAYS causes a kernel problem (both with the previous 6.3 and now with 6.4). This blocks EVERYTHING on unraid. I cannot stop the Array, I cannot safely powerdown or reboot. Nothing works. I always ends up having to push the power button of my tower manually to force a shutdown, that is followed by a parity check of 15hours where I don't want to transfer anymore data in the meanwhile.


I ran memtest86+ for 24h on the unRaid and it encountered 0 issues btw. So not a hardware problem. But a software one.


The only alternative I have is to plug this external HDD into an old mac laptop I have and run the rsync command from there. It never encounters any problem from this situation for some reason... (But I don't like doing that cuz my router isn't GB so it is slower, and my mac is old and just randomly reboots.).


Now my question is:


What is the official, proper and safer way to transfer files from old HDDs to a new unRaid?


Bonus question: I have a 250GB cache (2xM2 SSDs, raid 1), Sometimes I do not wish to use the cache to transfer files cuz it's a lot of files at once and it uses the whole cache in less than 30mins while there is maybe a TB of data to transfer. From the question above, is there a parameter to add to skip the cache? Or should I force my share to don't use the cache in the meanwhile?

3 hours ago, Polopollo said:

Hijacking this thread as I am into this situation. And I don't want to create a new thread the could be a duplicate.


You really should start your own thread and let the original poster have this one for his questions.


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