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NetData Docker - Applications Monitoring goes nowhere


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In NetData WebGUI, when I click on "Applications Monitoring" link just below system overview CPU section......the link goes nowhere. I thought that it would take me to an area where I can see an overview of my Dockers.....


I've already set a path /var/run/docker.sock in NetData template so I can see my Dockers usage through NetData WebGUI.....but I can't seem to access any sort of Summary/Overview page of my Dockers. Instead, I have to click on each Docker individually in the NetData WebGUI.


Anyone got any ideas?

UnRAID 6.4.1

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Typically a question regarding a specific docker application, like Netdata, is best posted in its dedicated support thread in the "Application Support->Docker Containers" section of the forum. Since we are here however I will try to answer your question. To my knowledge Netdata does not have the sort of view you are looking for. Docker containers each have their own section but there is not global overview of all containers. The Applications link should take you to the Applications section of netdata which lays out metrics by application, but docker containers are wrapped all together as a containers application. For the Applications section to be available the Netdata docker needs to have mappings to /proc and /sys which should be art of the container templates. For more details see the support thread 


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