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Max NICs unRaid will recognise


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Is there is limit to how many NICs unRaid will recognise/support?


My motherboard has dual NICs, which I've used to created a bonded bond0 interface.


However, I added an intel quad interface nic - but only 2 additional interfaces show as available.


Is this the normal behaviour? If so, if I wanted to use the 4 intel nics (instead of the 2 onboard), would I have to find a way to disable the onboard interfaces?


(I appreciate I have absolutely zero need for a quad-gigabit bonded connection - it's just for fun :) )


Here is the detail from Info - my network cables are currently connected to the 2 onboard interfaces

bond0: fault-tolerance (active-backup), mtu 1484 
 eth0: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 1484 
 eth1: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 1484 
 eth2: not connected
 eth3: not connected

ifconfig lists the same interfaces (along with docker0,lo, and a bunch of vethxxx interfaces I presume are the dockers)


thanks - I'll do a bit of digging around then see if I can work out why they're not showing - just didn't want to spend too long on it if it was never going to work :) 


...although, could it be a lack of PCIe channels on the motherboard blocking all the ports on the quad nic? I should check that out - they all light up when a cable is plugged in, but UR doesn't seem to recognise them.

ok, I have 40 channels, with 3x H200's & the Intel quad nic. I think the H200's are x8 each - so I ought to have plenty of channels free.


Got it sorted - it's a dodgy card. Remembered I had another one in a windows machine, swapped it out and all ports are fine - with the original card also only showing 2 connections available in windows when I put it in the spare machine.


thanks all


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