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weird VM issues


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my daily win10 VM bricked due to a litany of issues caused by a power outage, so i've been working on getting unraid back up and am trying to start with a fresh VM.  i'm experiencing a few issues (possibly bugs), unless my newbness is shining.


first, the "OS Install ISO" dropdown is blank, even though i have a share for my OS ISOs. see attached for both.  i tried manually applying "/mnt/user/VirtualMachineISOs/en_windows_10_enterprise_x64_dvd_6851151.iso" for the OS path, but just get a blank screen on boot.  i've used the same ISO in the past successfully.  not really sure where to go from here.   if i recall correctly that dropdown used to provide a small browse window that would allow for the ISO selection.  weird it's blank now.


second, i can create and start a VM automatically without ever applying an "OS Install ISO" file.  seems like an ISO selection would be a requirement prior to the "Create" button being enabled.


please let me know if i'm missing something simple!







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8 minutes ago, alexsd said:

first, the "OS Install ISO" dropdown is blank

Confirm the default ISO storage path (Settings, VM Settings, advanced view) is properly set to your ISO share


9 minutes ago, alexsd said:

seems like an ISO selection would be a requirement prior to the "Create" button being enabled.

Unless you're using an existing VDISK in which case its not.

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