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Having emhttp lockup issues while multitasking


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Hey all,

First of all my diagnostics file is attached.


I am running an i7 6800 with 32gb of ram, 
I am running unraid os 6.3.2 I have the following plugins running:
CA Auto update Applications
CA Bsckup/restore appdata
CA Cleanup Appdata
Community Application
Dynamix Cache Directories
Dynamic webGui
Fix Common Problems
Nerd Tools
Preclear Disks
Tips and Tweaks
Unassigned devices
I have the following Dockers running:

I am having emhttp interface lockups when I am trying to watch something via a Shield TV that is connected via Ethernet and grabbing either movies or tv shows and then syncing to an iPad. I have a 1tb Samsung 850 Evo cache disk and then have a 250gb Samsung 850 Evo that is being used as an unassigned disk that houses the docker.img file. The cache disk is enabled for the movies, tv shows, and appdata share. I'm at a loss as to what would be causing this, any ideas or help is greatly appreciated.


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Wow, have you checked the logs? You are being inundated with hack attempts, that will definitely slow things down. I assume FCP has warned you of this? What ports do you have forwarded to the box?


This community will strongly advise against putting unRAID in the DMZ or port forwarding the webgui, ssh or ftp. If you ignore that advice you absolutely need to keep the OS current, 6.3.2 is quite old and is missing many security patches.  I would at least go to 6.3.5, but 6.4.1 would be better.  Please read the release notes for each version you are skipping before jumping in though.


Also, if you aren't actively preclearing anything, you should uninstall the preclear plugin.

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