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32 GB OCZ SSD - $64.99 after MIR


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These ROCK in a HTPC frontend. Seriously if you have an HTPC that is just a playback device for an Unraid server (like an ION box), there is no better investments then one of these SSDs in there. It will make the interface MUCH faster, and it will boot so quick that the non-nerds in your life will swear the thing is an appliance like a Tivo (which is the trick to getting them to like it).


Well worth the money....

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I've thought about doing that, but my Ion-based Revo setup already boots in about 30 seconds using just the stock 160 GB HDD.  Dropping that to 10 seconds or so doesn't seem worth it to me


Wait till you see the speed boost XBMC gets on the interface from a SSD. My ION box with a SSD feels much snappier in XBMC than my Quad Core with a HD. Library with 1000 Movies? Pulls up like its ten movies. Plus the no-heat thing is nice.


Seriously worth the money. SSDs are the greatest computer upgrade since dual core. I even have one in my (hackintosh, overclocked, ION) Netbook!

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I've thought about doing that, but my Ion-based Revo setup already boots in about 30 seconds using just the stock 160 GB HDD.  Dropping that to 10 seconds or so doesn't seem worth it to me


The biggest advantage isnt boot-up time, but navigation in the interface especially with graphic heavy skins.

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I've actually never been able to change the skin on my setup.  I've tried a few times, but every time it ended up in either crashing the system, or the skin would be missing some crucial component.  I really wanted to use the Aeon skin with some pretty fanart, but I can't get it working.  Any tips?

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I've actually never been able to change the skin on my setup.  I've tried a few times, but every time it ended up in either crashing the system, or the skin would be missing some crucial component.  I really wanted to use the Aeon skin with some pretty fanart, but I can't get it working.  Any tips?


Wait for the next stable and skins will be installed via the new add-on component. Makes installing skins that are in the repository really simple to install. They will automatically download and install when you select them as well as auto update.

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These ROCK in a HTPC frontend. Seriously if you have an HTPC that is just a playback device for an Unraid server (like an ION box), there is no better investments then one of these SSDs in there. It will make the interface MUCH faster, and it will boot so quick that the non-nerds in your life will swear the thing is an appliance like a Tivo (which is the trick to getting them to like it).


Well worth the money....

I've thought about doing that, but my Ion-based Revo setup already boots in about 30 seconds using just the stock 160 GB HDD.  Dropping that to 10 seconds or so doesn't seem worth it to me


I think 32GB is too little for an unRAID cache drive, but it's perfect for an XBMC HTPC.

At this price point it's well worth it. Since I've tried loads of these Media boxes, XBMC on a HTPC with SSD is a high point and a winner for me.

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