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Array/Web issues


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So I recently moved cross country and am just now trying the server out. It worked well before I left, but since plugging it all up and in, I can neither access the web gui or ping it. I have to boot w/ UI to log into it. After I get in, if I try to start up the array it just hangs there.


Now i did have a gtx 1070 in here for a VM and I removed that (sold it, needed $$$) But i don't see how that could be the issue...


Included is logs. Pretty please help! I want to be able to access my files >_>


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maybe try this since you have a static ip set and there may be a conflict on the network or other issue: put your unraid usb into a regular computer, copy over the network.cfg (under config) file to the desktop for safe keeping (if this doesn't work so you can replace it), delete it from the unraid usb, reboot server and go to the new dhcp assigned address listed.

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So it was the router. Gonna have to mess with it, it was assigning dhcp to wireless connections, but not wired. It acted like it couldn't even see wired devices. Used a different one and bam, everything works. 


So obnoxious >_>


Thankyou for your help!

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