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Failed upgrade from 6.3.5 to 6.4.1


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asus x99 deluxe


norco rpc-4220

m1015 hba flashed to IT mode. (I know its flased because the drives were visable before the update)


I upgraded my server from 6.3.5 to 6.4.1 which I knew was a stupid idea but here we are. I was expecting it to go fine but not so lucky. First thing I did was upgrade unraid via the webgui. Then I upgraded the motherboard bios to the latest version from asus's website.


I then booted into unraid 6.4.1 and no drives at all from the hba. I then googled and found I needed vt-d and intel virtualization technology enabled. I enabled both and still nothing. I replaced the cmos battery just in case too but still no drives. I'm now at a loss. It working on the previouse version without a hitch so I have no idea what changed. The bios can see all the HDD's just fine but unraid sees only the hba card.


I've attatched my syslog.txt and a picture of the device list showing the hba.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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56 minutes ago, sean said:

googled and found I needed vt-d and intel virtualization technology enabled

These are needed only if you intend to pass hardware to a VM. I think the recommendation I have seen when people are having trouble with a disk controller is to disable these.

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4 minutes ago, trurl said:

These are needed only if you intend to pass hardware to a VM. I think the recommendation I have seen when people are having trouble with a disk controller is to disable these.

I have run it before with them disabled too. When I flashed the bios it reset them to disabled for both and the drives still weren't there. I'm making a 6.3.5 unraid usb drive now just to boot from as a test. I'm going to see if it can see the drives.


If it can then i'm going to say that 6.4.1 is not ready. My configuration is pretty normal nothing weird so i'm pretty upset that i'm having issues.

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30 minutes ago, trurl said:

These are needed only if you intend to pass hardware to a VM. I think the recommendation I have seen when people are having trouble with a disk controller is to disable these.

RAID card died I think. Booted a new usb of unraid 6.3.5 and no drives. Whats weird though is that the bios knows that the hdd's are there. I'm not sure what to make of this. If you agree that the card died what one should I get to replace it. I have a norco rpc-4220 case and I'd need something compatible with that.


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