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issues with permissons from another server running plex


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I have an unraid server hosting all of my files. It is joined to my domain and I have an SMB share (plex) set up that is set as public.


I have another server running hyper-v with a cent os vm running on it. I have mounted my share in fstab (//192.x.x.x/plex to /mnt/plex) using an AD account called [email protected] it has full permissions set through windows on the folder and its subdirectories


I have a plex container running in docker on cent os:

docker run \
-d \
--name plex \
--net=host \
--restart=always \
-e VERSION=latest \
-e TZ=America/New_York \
-e PLEX_CLAIM="xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
-e ADVERTISE_IP="http://192.x.x.x:32400/" \
-e ALLOWED_NETWORKS=192.x.x.x/xx,192.x.x.x/xx \

-e PLEX_UID = 1001 \

-e PLEX_GID = 1001 \
-h plex \
-v /mnt/plex/video/:/data \
-v /mnt/plex/transcode:/transcode \


I was getting file permission issues at first until I deleted the config directory mapping. Now it launches.


However the transcode and data directories don't have write access. I get an error while playing or trying to delete videos.


From a windows machine I have set permissions on the folders for everyone group to full control, but that doesn't seem to help.


I tried going into the terminal on unraid and setting the permissions on the folder with chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/plex


Docker creates folders in the paths, but plex once running in the docker container doesn't seem to have the ability to write to the paths


I am lost for how to get this to work properly, any suggestions on how to handle read/writing to unraid share from inside a docker container on a remote linux box is appreciated


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22 minutes ago, ychro said:

any suggestions on how to handle read/writing to unraid share from inside a docker container

The remote share has to be mounted and then passed appropriately to the container (which it appears you're doing), with an access mode of read/write:slave

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