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Sanity check and some bash help


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I have a Raspberry PI, has KODI use it to stream from my unRAID host through SMB/user shares. Getting tired of wanting to watch a movie, PI locks up, oops it was an H265/HVEC encoded, reboot PI.  Idea: what if I made a user share mediaPI. Now in mediaPI I would like to make a series of symbolic links to my H264 files, and just have my Raspberry PI access, "MediaPI."  Would the use of symbolic links from one user share to another be OK for unRAID services and array? 


If the idea is sound here's what I got, or have muddled so far:

Since I use FileBot all of my movies in file name have the encoding, as part of the file name. So I can run:

find /mnt/user/media/Video/Movies/ | grep x264

and produces a good list. What would be a way of dumping the list into "ln -s " such that, to invoke the second form (for which I would be in /mnt/user/mediaPI/) and step through the list?  Easy stuff for those with good kung-fu, but mine is weak. Otherwise it's off to the search engines. 


Any info, advice and time are appreciated.  If this is the wrong place let me know I'll nuke the post if MODS don't first.

Good day.

Edited by Jcloud
typos, really need to learn to proof-read before OP
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Why not try Plex server docker. Then you can use a $40 Amazon  fire stick to access your library? Or you could upgrade to an intel nuc, and install libreelec on it. It is worth the investment if you have a large collection.


i hate Kodi on Pi. So slow... the interface. IMHO



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8 hours ago, hernandito said:

i hate Kodi on Pi. So slow... the interface. IMHO

You're not wrong, after playing around with my OrangePI I could tell how slow the RPI3 is. I really need to get my OrangePI in a better working state then its software is in now.


8 hours ago, hernandito said:

Why not try Plex server docker. Then you can use a $40 Amazon  fire stick to access your library? Or you could upgrade to an intel nuc, and install libreelec on it. It is worth the investment if you have a large collection.

I had an Emby Docker, didn't use it for the longest time and got rid of it a few months ago. I do also have a Plex Docker; just haven't played with it that much. It's silly really, but I think I have a mental block with transcoding on-the-fly, so I just haven't really played around with it yet. *shrug* I'm weird, I know.  Also the raspberryPI kodi was an old play-thing.  Totally valid solution of using fire stick, but it's just me in my house so I'll go for bashing my head against desk (hobbyist rather than needing to appease a significant other with "it just works").  ;)

2 hours ago, lionelhutz said:

I think you could fix that problem using the Emby Server Docker container and the EmbyCon plug-in for Kodi. Then, the server would encode the files when necessary.

Agreed, general fix would be to just transcode on the fly; my way is odd, but I was also looking to learn something new. :D


Thanks for your time and input Gents, have a good one.


Edited by Jcloud
fix type-o's
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I have one TV so I just start a Windows VM for playback and use Emby Theater.  Out of the box, the Emby Theater Windows app is way nicer than Kodi.  I tried using Kodi with the Emby plug-in but just wasn't impressed. An install like OpenElec is a way smaller footprint but I'm fine giving that up to use Emby Theater which just works. Maybe one day I'll try an Emby app on another device like the TV directly if I get a new TV or a FireStick.


I think with the right customizing Kodi could be made better, but the operation of the Emby Theater app is pretty darn'd good as installed.

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