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Problems with unraid, VMs, continously spinning drive, general stability


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Hello, I tried searching around but after reading a while i think that my issues are kinda weird.

List of my problems: 

- My windows 10 VM crashes occasionally and i have no idea why. (VM data is on 750gb cache drive)

- Disk 1 is continuously spinning even when i press spin down it will spin itself after short while.

- My unraid is generally stable but i had few instances of it crashing in a weird way, something like  array portion of webgui crashed and is inaccessible and SMB is down but the rest of webgui i can browse just fine. I think it was after 12days of uptime or something. After restart it worked fine.


I know this is really broad and no one will be able to help me with this without providing more info but i don't know what info you need. I attached anonymised diagnostics, maybe it will help.


My tower info:

4x4TB drives 2 parity 2 data disks.

750gb cache

UPS protected.

Short system info :

Model: Custom
M/B: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. - F2A88XM-HD3
CPU: AMD A8-5500 APU with Radeon™ HD Graphics @ 3200
HVM: Enabled
IOMMU: Enabled
Cache: 192 kB, 4096 kB
Memory: 4 GB (max. installable capacity 8 GB)
Network: bond0: fault-tolerance (active-backup), mtu 9000 
 eth0: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 9000
Kernel: Linux 4.14.26-unRAID x86_64
OpenSSL: 1.0.2n
Uptime: 5 days, 11:33:02





EDIT: It happened again, here is recording how it looks like after it "crashes?" https://a.pomf.space/hmtzzrxcevvh.webm  I couldnt create diagnostics because the button wouldnt do anything.

EDIT2: even the reboot button is not doing anything. I had to restart by pressing restart on the case.

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This is what I see.  From the diagnostics, system, df

rootfs          1.5G  1.2G  289M  80% /

You've got 4Gig memory, more than likely allocated 2Gig to your VM which leaves you 1.5 Gig after overhead, etc

Your amount of used memory more or less is on par with mine, but the exception is that you've basically got next to nothing remaining.  You're also running dynamix file integrity.  My hunch is that when its doing its thing it can be a hog of resources (no proof - only a hunch), and this may account for your crashes as the system runs out of memory.


My suggestion would be to get rid of the VM or increase the memory to 8G and then see what happens.

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