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SMB Mount Failing Suddenly


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Hey guys, having an issue mounting my Synology NAS via SMB with Unassigned Devices plugin. This has previously worked without problems. After a clean reboot, I suddenly cannot mount the share anymore. I recently changed my password on my Synology and re-created the SMB share in UnRAID, yet getting this strange unknown command error in the log...


Here's the snip from the log:

Mar 22 10:25:22 stevenet unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//NAS/MOVIES' using SMB1 protocol.
Mar 22 10:25:22 stevenet unassigned.devices: Mount SMB/NFS command: mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,,vers=1.0,username=sstoveld,password=******* '//NAS/MOVIES' '/mnt/disks/NAS_MOVIES'
Mar 22 10:25:22 stevenet unassigned.devices: Mount of '//NAS/MOVIES' failed. Error message: sh: 9QS5yKwDR: command not found
Mar 22 10:26:50 stevenet unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//NAS/MOVIES' using SMB3 protocol.
Mar 22 10:26:50 stevenet unassigned.devices: SMB3 mount failed: sh: 9QS5yKwDR: command not found .
Mar 22 10:26:50 stevenet unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//NAS/MOVIES' using SMB2 protocol.
Mar 22 10:26:50 stevenet unassigned.devices: SMB2 mount failed: sh: 9QS5yKwDR: command not found .
Mar 22 10:26:50 stevenet unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//NAS/MOVIES' using SMB1 protocol.
Mar 22 10:26:50 stevenet unassigned.devices: Mount SMB/NFS command: mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,,vers=1.0,username=sstoveld,password=******* '//NAS/MOVIES' '/mnt/disks/NAS_MOVIES'
Mar 22 10:26:50 stevenet unassigned.devices: Mount of '//NAS/MOVIES' failed. Error message: sh: 9QS5yKwDR: command not found

Any ideas?

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Ok so turns out, the weird command not found error stems from my new password I was using. The password was a mix of characters which included a '&', followed by the '9QS5yKwDR' that it is complaining about. Turns out that threw the mount command for a loop, as the & didn't get escaped, causing it to think it was two separate commands?


Changed the password again, this time with no &, but having trouble loading the shares on my Synology. Giving everything a quick reboot then testing again.


EDIT: @Squid yeah i was typing up my reply when you posed this. Changed the password and testing again


EDIT2: Looks like all is good. I'm just a tard :)

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