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Call Traces found on your server


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Hi all,


So I checked my server today and found that "Fix Common Problems" was notifying me that "Call Traces found on your server". Not sure exactly what that means, but it suggested that I post my log here and ask for some assistance.


Looking at my log via the gui doesn't seem to show any out of memory errors, however I haven't looked into the full syslog (attached).


Thanks for any assistance in advance :)


Running unRaid v6.5.0


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On 03/04/2018 at 4:34 PM, johnnie.black said:

NIC hanged and was reset, fairly common and usually harmless.

Are you able to elaborate on the above? I'm happy to ignore the error but a rough explanation of the problem would ease the mind...

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The hardware are using interrupts to flag when there are incoming data to take care of or if the outgoing queue is empty so the card is interested in more data to send out.


Sometimes, an interrupt may be lost. Maybe a hardware issue but maybe also an issue with the driver. If the OS has outgoing data that is stalled because no interrupt happens so the driver doesn't pick up any data then the OS will after a while detect this and produce a warning. Often, the "alarm" code makes a manual check of the card and then notices it's empty and then kick-start the card again by sending pending data - and also picks up any incoming data that the card may have failed to report about.


So you may get a very short network glitch before the "repair" logic reacted and kick-started transmission again. For a normal machine, it normally doesn't matter at all while a critical database server may create havoc by the additional lag before it starts processing more database requests. The kernel writes a message in the log just so the system administrator(s) should be able to decide if they should start looking for driver issues or possibly switch to different hardware.


You don't need to worry unless you see this message really often, since you might get a short playback hang if playing video from the server. In some situations, the player may even buffer enough video that the NIC gets restarted before the player runs out of cached video.

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