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two (more) easy questions

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hello, world --


two simple/silly questions (of course, once i stop looking for answers, i'll find the faq covering these):


[1] i have added a 1tb drive to expand my 'hd' video net share (why watch in sd when you can watch in sd?), but am leery of simply adding a drive to the list of drives used by said share.  maybe i am too tired (can't wait to take a *real* vacation for the 1st time in eons), but i cannot find what is most probably a faq, being that 'no, adding a drive to a share definition will not wipe out the existing data on the 1st drive'.  can anyone confirm this?  i think i did this before, but am drawing a blank.


[2] i have replaced two out of three 500gb aaks drives that make up my 'main' share with 1tb units (wd 'ears'). i now have 2.5tb space on this share instead of 1.5 and, frankly would like to consolidate the data onto two drives to free up the 3rd one.  is there an unraid function that i don't know about that could do just this?


[3] (ok, i lied)  is there a way to hide or, well, 'disapear' the default shares that unraid 'broadcasts' on a lan, i.e. the shares for each physical drives themselves?  i would prefer if only the user-created shares were visible.  (i hope i did not ask about this before.  that would be embarrassing.)





p.s.: instant coffee sucks.  esp. decaf -- someone pulled a fast one at the office today, thinking she (oops) was clever.  death to the (coffee) heathen!


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1) your data is safe.


ah.  thanks.  (relieved)


2) nothing automated, use console commands or file explorers.


would we be talking about accessing the drives via the console or via the wire (smb, etc.)?  i must admit i haven't yet had a gander at the various underlying filesystems directly (console, telnet, etc.), always accessing the data via smb.  i presume the directory structure is re-created / mirrored on each drives, with files being distributed amongst the drives composing the share -- right, wrong?


3) yes. disable disk shares.


now, when you say to disable the shares, we are just talking about default shares created automatically by unraid?  (i.e., "direct" shares to the disks themselves)  we cannot be talking about disabling all shares, everything smb -- this sounds like a mis-named command, isn't it?  so disabling shares should leave the ones i created untouched, whilst making the "extra" ones disappear?


btw, the help is much appreciated.




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would we be talking about accessing the drives via the console or via the wire (smb, etc.)?


Yes. Either.


now, when you say to disable the shares, we are just talking about default shares created automatically by unraid?  (i.e., "direct" shares to the disks themselves)  we cannot be talking about disabling all shares, everything smb -- this sounds like a mis-named command, isn't it?  so disabling shares should leave the ones i created untouched, whilst making the "extra" ones disappear?


It's not misnamed if you understand it's terminology. Disabling "disk shares" disables the disk shares, the ones called disk#, while leaving the "user shares" enabled.


The user interface in the early access developer community beta series controls are different and likely won't be confusing for those not familiar with the terminology.

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