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New Gigabyte x399 board...TR2 announcement rumors for tomorrow


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I'm hoping that Intel's rushed and seemingly totally unworkable 28 core demo today was them trying to one-up AMDs event tomorrow.  If you watch it, check out the case, it has something in the back that looks very like the plug used to charge electric cars.  My guess is they had to have an external sub-zero cooling unit to keep the chip from exploding.  


Gigabyte released a very over-the-top board that looks epic (without the RGB madness no less!)




I'm actually starting to think there might be some big news at the AMD event tomorrow.  I wasn't holding much hope until the news from other events started to break...but who knows.

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Intel's 28 core demo was apparently just one of their Xeon ($10,000) chips massively cooled and overclocked (that bulky wrapped tube/cable leading out of the back led to an external sub-zero cooling unit). It very much seems that this was a blatant attempt to steal AMD's thunder, with no actual substance.




Conversely, AMD's 24 core Threadripper 2 demo was air cooled. Very impressive. They didn't go into cooling details for their brief 32 core demo, but presumably it too just uses some sane cooling solution as opposed to Intel's 1000 Watt external unit.


Anyway, Intels asinine shennanigans aside, things are looking very rosy in the near future for anyone wanting some serious grunt in their unRAID system.

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