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Unmountable: No File System after Unclean Shutdown


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Hi, I was previously having some issues with one of my drives throwing a bunch of errors which I believe to have narrowed down to being caused by faulty cabling which seems to have been fixed now. But while the previous issue was ongoing the server would not gracefully shutdown, so I have to force power it off, leading to the unclean shutdown. I opened it up and reseated the offending connectors and now on reboot the drive the was previously causing problems (md4) seems to be working fine, but now Disk 1 says "Unmountable: No File System". (All of the array drives use xfs)

I've attached a pic of the dashboard showing the issue with the array in maintenance mode as well as the server's diagnostics. The first thing I will do when I get home today is to go back in and check the internal connection to make sure I didn't accidentally bump anything in fixing the initial problem, but since I don't think that is the issue I wanted to ask here for any advice on what my next steps should be. I'm not sure how recently the last successful parity check was, but it would have been a least a week or two. In any case, it would have been before the issues I've described here and since I've had unclean shutdowns the parity is prompted to rebuild when the array is started, which I have not done as of yet.




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Thanks for the info on the repair processes.


I ran xfs_repair with -v and it gave me:

ERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to

be replayed.  Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before

re-running xfs_repair.  If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use

the -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair.

Note that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount

of the filesystem before doing this.

The drive still did not mount, giving the same No Filesystem error.


So then I re-ran it with -vL and the process seemed to complete successfully with no errors but the drive still does not mount and says No Filesystem. Not sure where to go from here.

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Disregard my last post, I was starting the array in maintenance mode still. I now started it normally and it appears that the drive has mounted successfully. I'm gonna let the parity rebuild now and hopefully, if everything goes well I'll be able to mark it as closed. Thank you for all your help!

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