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Microserver Gen8 with Hardware RAID5?


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Hi Guys,


Just discovered UnRAID and liking its slick interface, and it "just working". However after using it with FreeNAS, I'm after a little reassurance to how best to set it up.


Hardware is:


Microserver Gen 8

4 x 3TB HDD

1 x 128GB SSD

1 x 8GB USB Stick with UnRAID


The HDDs are currently using the P410 RAID controller to provide a RAID5 disk, though this is presented to UnRAID as a single device, and therefore not taking advantage of the UnRAID setup.


As there's no pass through for the RAID controller, am I right in thinking that I'm best to just setup RAID0 for each disk so they are presented properly, and then have the SSD as the cache?


Thanks in advanced!





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