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(SOLVED) server freezing


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I have been running the server fine for about half a year.

I think its handbrake (it started when I started using it). I went to the tools and then system log and there is no errors. the server just hangs (fans spin hdd lamp off but the third time today it was just constantly open but the server doesn't do anything).

but it can take a long time to crash. today it was working from 7:30 this morning and crashed at 7:30 the afternoon.

is there any other log i can check?

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12 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Are you using the Ryzen specific settings? It's not on your go file, though most boards have now a bios setting for that, as long as using a current bios, like "power supply idle control" or similar, it should be set to "typical current idle" or similar.

no, I am not using  Ryzen specific settings.

I have the 2700x with the asus prime x470

so i have to set the power supply idle control to typical current idle?

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