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Samba share links to wrong directory (SOLVED)

Alex R. Berg

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When I look at my samba share //tower/homes (from windows) it shows the content of one of my other shares, //tower/alex. When I look at /mnt/user/homes I see the correct content. I tried creating a second share named homes2, where I deleted the /mnt/user/homes2 folder and instead linked /mnt/user/homes (so homes2 is a symlink pointing to /mnt/user/homes). That samba share gives me the homes content as expected. 


Any idea as to what could cause this?


I tried booting with no plugins an no modified go-script, but it didn't change anything. I'm running unRaid 6.4.0, the problem has been there for a very long time though.

I cannot see anything strange in the shares.cfg. I attached a non-anonymized diagnostics, so the share-names are visible. I don't think there's sensitive info there. 


I have also added the syslog from the clean boot (without plugins and go-modifiations). The diagnostics is from regular boot with plugins.








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