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Disk is not working correctly


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Or I just dont have a clue.


Got several errors on a disk that worked as a parity disk. I have only three disk in my system. One for data storage and one for parity. They are identical. And one cache disk (SSD)

I unmounted the disk and tried the preclear plugin. Did not work since it did not have a proper unraid MBR signature (or something like that)

After trying for some time I gave up and thought I just disconnect it and try to test it on another machine running windows since i dont have a clue about linux.

It also states that is has no file system


Unfortunately something must have happen because now I can not disconnect it without getting an error that disk 2 is missing!? This disk has never been a apart of the array so how it suddenly has decided to be disk 2 I do not understand.


If I set it to no device, it comes up that disk is missing and I can not start the array


Any suggestions?



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17 minutes ago, mrvilla said:

that disk 2 is missing!?

This would imply that at some point you assigned it as disk2, to clear it got to Tools -> New Config


Keep current assignments and re-assgin parity or re-assign all disks since there are only 3.


As for the errors you should post your diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics.

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54 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

This would imply that at some point you assigned it as disk2, to clear it got to Tools -> New Config


Keep current assignments and re-assgin parity or re-assign all disks since there are only 3.


As for the errors you should post your diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics.

Thanks for the tip. 


Have set it up as I want it and run the new config.

It is now synchronizing parity and data disk. I will just check to see how it goes after this, and then run the Diagnostic if it keeps giving errors 

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