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Unraid Firewall from LAN Devices


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I have a load of devices on my LAN - IoT etc etc.

All devices have reserved IP's

My unraid has lots of dockers which obviously need access - but they are the same IP address so no issues there.


I was wondering how I can limit access to the unraid server to specific devices from the LAN ?  Or reverse, disable access for a range of IP Addresses ?

I just wish to allow my Roku's, my Main PC, and a fgew laptops to have access from the LAN, and block all else.

i.e assume IP I wish to block is :

Can I use iptables such as iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

Will this survive an unraid update ?



Finally, do the dockers 'adopt' this iptables settings ?


Im re-posting this in general, as no-one replied to the post in the security section.

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