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SOLVED! Docker VLAN Gateway not Applying


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Evening All.

I've got vlans setup at home, I use them in the following way.

Vlan10) General Home Devices (laptops/ tablets etc)

Vlan12) DMZ - Reverse Proxy, and a webserver

Vlan50) Smart Home tech (amazon echo, smart switches etc.


I've just moved my reverse proxy from a Sever 2016 VM running IIS to letsencrypt, however, I cannot seem to get the gateway to appear for vlan 12 within docker. I've attached two screenshots to show how I have my netwrok interface configured in unraid, and then when I open docker the gateway is not pulling across. I've tried adding in new vlans (say vlan 20, with a gateway, and restarting the unraid server, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Anyone have any ideas?


Unraid is connected to a layer three HP switch that has the unraid ports (bonded in a four port nic) untagged for vlan 10, and tagged for vlan 12. (VLAN 50 isn't currently in use in unraid, but will be when i finally finish HomeAssistant.


Any help is very appreciated.

Network Settings.PNG


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I can only speculate, but I think if unRAID has multiple IP on multiple VLAN, the docker subsystem gets confused with regards to using a different VLAN per interface.perhaps its a bug with the automatic creation of the docker networks on VLANs where unRAID has an IP and network information.

What you can try and its what I'm using is to have no unRAID IP on the VLAN so that unRAID is not accessible on that VLAN; this disables the auto creation of the docker network br0.x, which you then manually create and fill out the desired details.

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  • karldonteljames changed the title to SOLVED! Docker VLAN Gateway not Applying


I now have sonarr, qbittorrent and deluge running, but i am unable to add the downloaders to sonarr, they are all in the same vlan 192.168.12.x. any ideas how i can allow them to communicate? it's a little odd as i'm also running homeassistant, appdaemon, influxdb and grafana and they all seem to be able to pull data between them... they are all configured the same way as far as I know.


I am able to ping both qBit and Deluge from the sonarr docker.

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