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New User Problems


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Hi all,


Just in the process of setting up my first NAS box. I'm trying unraid as the OS as I like the idea of adding drives to the array. I want to use it as a plex server and to backup my documents etc. I should point out I'm a bit of a networking noob, I know some basic stuff, but not much.


Basically I'm having problems seeing a share on my network. I've read through some guides and tried a few things. I'll sum things up as best I can....


I installed the lastest version of Unraid (6.6.3.). It's running on a USB key, with a 2TB parity drive, 2TB storage and 60GB SSD cache drive. I got the array setup and it is showing as running. 


I setup a share called "birdhouse" with the default settings and also installed the plex server app.


Now when I'm on my laptop Win 10 (1803). I can connect to the NAS drive GUI by entering the the IP address 192..... However the \\TOWER link doesn't work. I can't see the NAS box or the birdhouse share on the network. However I can see the PLEX Media server which shows as a media device. The NAS drive is connected directly to modem/router via ethernet. Laptop by wi-fi.


As per some guides I've gone to setting - SMB and set it to master. No joy though.

I wasn't expecting to have such issues on a new install. Any help or advice?

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26 minutes ago, Vstar said:

I wasn't expecting to have such issues on a new install. Any help or advice?

Chances are this is not an unRAID issue at all if your share is configured for public export.  When you access the server by IP address can you see the 'birdhouse' share?


Since you have Windows 10, it is likely a networking issue with Windows 10.  MS is slowly trying to kill off SMB v1. Verify that SMB 1.0/CIFS is enabled in 'Turn Windows features on and off' in the Control Panel.  If it is already enabled, see this thread for other potential solutions to Windows issues with unRAID.

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You may need to create a static DHCP reservation on your routers side to access via the host name, or it's something with IPv6.  I've had a similar issue where sometimes it worked, sometimes it wouldn't.  When I did a nslookup, I saw that windows was querying my ISP's nameserver via IPv6 and returning a wrong address.  I eventually just turned off IPv6 on my routers side, the ISP kept hijacking the queries and I couldn't figure out how to have my router be the nameserver for IPv6.  I'm not a network guy though so I probably have it all wrong, but once I turned off IPv6 on the router, I haven't had any issue accessing my unraid box by the hostname.

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