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Bad disk Performance


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i recently rebuild my unraid server from old parts i have lying around here. before i used the drives i have in another unraid build.

the problem i am running in to now is really slow disk performance. doesn't matter what is happening it is allways slow an doing more then one thing at a time is freezing the server. constantly running top in terminal reading a WA of 10 to 12 constantly with peaks up to 87 and high cpu usages. i know that thats because the wait on te drives. i replaced sata cables and i even have another controller in there now but the disk performance stays very unstable. i really don't know what to do now.

i cant even create diagnostics while running parity so diagnostics from this morning is included before running the parity.


hopefully somebody can pinpoint or atleast help me with this issue.



and since yesterday a couple of my docker containers cant be reached any more. there running but cant connect to the interface.


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You are getting continual resets on many disk drives which is probably the cause of your performance problems.


i would check that all SATA and power cabling is firmly plugged in.    Since many drives are being affected you might want to also make sure that any disk controller is firmly seated in the motherboard.    Another thing that can cause symptoms along these lines is an inadequate or failing PSU.

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On 10/29/2018 at 10:54 AM, johnnie.black said:

You're using a controller with port multipliers, this is bad both for performance since all 10 disks are only using 2 SATA ports and they are prone timeout issues like the ones you're having.


Why are you not using any of the Intel onboard SATA ports?

i was trying to get better performance cause using onboard ports results in mostly the same problem. really slow disk speeds, but thanks for sharing your info i will devide the drives over the ports an cards that i have.

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Use the 6 Intel onboard ports, you can also use the 2 ports on the onboard Asmedia controller, remaining two either use the eSata Asmedia ports if you have the cables or another controller, if you get bad performance with those ports you need to provide more detail of the circumstances you notice the performance issues, together with diagnostics grabbed at the time.

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i mixed the drives up, and in parity check i have way better performance then before so seems like combining the controllers again had affect strange because i had the same situation before with bad results.


now the only problem that i have is with my docker containers. they start but UI for most of them is not available. ill try putting back a backup of appdata but im not sure thats gonna do.

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while the disk performance now is really way better. i still have problems with my docker containers working but not be reachable i think i did something wrong in the identification settings but im not sure. if i pull a new docker image it works but if i remove everything from a container an clean appdata and reinstall that container i cant acces the webpage from it. 


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