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Transfer Speed Slow after upgrade


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Hi guys.  On a previous version I was running I would saturate my gigabit network connection when transferring movie files.  After upgrade to 6.6.3 it only runs around 50-55 MB/s transfer.  After noticing this I upgraded again to 6.6.5 and same issue.  I wish I had reverted back instead of upgrading again but live and learn.  I can't remember exactly which version I was on but I believe it was 6.5.x (x something).  Any idea what could have happened?  Is there a setting change I am not aware of?  I am still using the cache disks I checked that.  Thanks for any help.  Diagnostics attached.


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On 11/16/2018 at 2:55 AM, johnnie.black said:

Download the 6.5.3 zip and replace all the bz* files on the flash drive, then reboot.

Tested again today, 50-55 MB/s.  Downgraded to 6.5.3 and got 75-80 MB/s with the same file.  It has been a while since I transferred large files and I really wish I could remember which version I was on when I was transferring a lot and was seeing 110 MB/s all the time.  Guess I need to troubleshoot more than just the OS although the downgrade did speed things up. 

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