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DVB questions:


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I'm using unraid with a TBS 6909... it's a dvb-s with 8 tuners 


I originally wanted to use it within a tvheadend docker but waiting for the latest unraid dvb to be released so I'm running into in a VM for now.


This has made me realise something...


With this card I need to set 1 of 3 modes by setting a configuration file in:






How would I set this mode so I can use my card in a docker?




If i run this card in a VM will that setting work as normal or it needs to be set outside of the VM (in unraid).

atm.. it's passed through to the VM.. it seems the card is not using all 8 tuners (only 4).. but could be a driver issue. Though still looking for the answers :)


thanks in advance.

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I don't think you will be able to use it in a docker. /etc/modprobe lives in memory and will be recreated at each boot. You could copy the file to the location in the go file, but it's too late as the modules gets loaded before the go file is run. 

You might be able to unload the module, copy the file and the load the module again. It's worth a try. 

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