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binhex-sonarr will not auto start


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I have a strange problem with my binhex-sonarr docker. If the app is stopped, I cannot start from the main docker page and get an execution error message. However, if I go in to the container settings and change a setting, then change it back (e.g change name to binhex-sonar then change it back to binhex-sonarr) simply to enable the Apply button, the docker will start normally. This issue also means I cannot auto update the docker.


Diagnostics attached.


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jackett is always running and the failure only happens when using the start option from the main docker page. As explained, when I go in to the container settings, it does not fail.


I have removed --link jackett:jackett from the extra parameters, and it now starts fine using the Start option on the main page.


So the issue is definitely the link to jackett

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