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Start up Parity Check performed after Improper Shutdown


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It's been quite a long time that I've ever had sync errors, years (and when I did it was a bad cable, and on version 4.7, MAYBE 5.x) so forgive me.  I cannot locate a clear, concise to the point answer on this.

Is the parity check performed upon start-up of Unraid after an improper shutdown a correcting or non-correction?  I believe I recall having to have to do a second parity check after the initial in cases such as I experienced (*I'll get to that), but for some reason I'm second guessing myself into believing it does a correcting from the get go upon start-up after improper shutdown.  So, I'm effectively "lost".  I'm also a little concerned because a darn external (to unraid) program wrote some data to the array before I got back home.  I always thought it would do a parity check but not bring up the array in such situation.  I was wrong, thus the purpose of this post.  I appreciate the response.

* I'm not sure how it got switched, but, my "Turn off UPS after shutdown" got flipped from Yes to No.  Electric went out for an hour (according to logs), came back on for a whopping 4 minutes, then went out again (before UPS could recharge).  Thus, the issue above. :(

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2 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Non correcting.

Crud.  Ok.  Appreciate the reply.  Off to correcting I go then, or since data was inadvertently written to the array already, will that affect the correcting?  Here's for hoping the UPS settings don't flip again, strange, never had that happen before.

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