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Difficulties setting up Plex


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Not very good with UnRaid yet...  Learning though.


Can't properly set up myu Plex library.  Tried a LOT of things.  No joy.


  1. I created a Share called videos and put a bunch of content into it.
  2. Installed the Plex docker
  3. Clicked and hit edit to do the following:



Nothing that I have tried so far will show my Videos here on the add library function inside the Web UI.


Seems simple enough but can't get it done.  😞


Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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16 minutes ago, Shlazor said:

Seems simple enough but can't get it done.  😞


Because you are not doing it correctly.  😀


You have a host path but no container path in your mapping.  You need both.


Call your container path something like /videos


On the Plex side when adding the library, /videos will then show up as the folder you select.


Here are some screenshots of my Movies mapping as an example:




I have container mappings for movies, tv, pictures, etc. so they all show up as folders under / that I can select for the appropriate Plex library.



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