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2 Hard Drives Failed


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I am new to the forms, so sorry in advanced...


I have been using unraid for a while and have delt with a hard drive failure (which thank you to the unraid team, it worked very well).

This time the power went out at my house... no issues while I was at work (I access unraid all the time at work) and in the span of an hour after leaving work to getting to my house 1 drive was faulty and another has a very significant amount of errors. Upon realizing this I have immediately powered the system off and ordered replacement drives. 


My question to all of you is, is there any way to recover my data from this via unraid? I do not believe my parity drive is one of the drives that failed.


Is my only option running data recovery on these drives via another computer?


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I posted this same thing on Reddit. Someone said that it could just be one drive that failed and errors showing up on another. So I decided that I would change the physical order of the drives. It worked. I only lost one drive. I am currently pulling data off of my array that I would like to keep. 


Would it be beneficial for anyone that I post my diagnostics still?

I would like to know why this happened so that I can prevent it happening again.

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Are you certain you have a failed drive?     UnRAID will disable any drive if a write fails and this could be due to a wide variety of reasons many of which are external to the drive.    Posting the diagnostics might get you some feedback as to whether the drive appears to have really failed.

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1 hour ago, Vortec said:

So I decided that I would change the physical order of the drives. It worked.

Changing the order wouldn't do anything, stopping the array or re-starting the server would reset the drive with errors, since Unraid only disables as many disks as there are parity disks in use, one in your case, unfortunately the log if after rebooting so doesn't show what happened, but you'll still need to rebuild or replace the disabled disk.



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