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Does this sound like a bad SSD to you?


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So i have an SSD that keeps vanishing from unraid... 

This is one of 2 identical Kingston 120GB ssd's that i have configured as a btrfs cache pool. These are both connected to a cross flashed IBM ServeRAID M1015 card. (they are the only 2 drives currently connected to that card)

That cache pool had never had a problem until a couple months ago when after rebooting the box one of the drives randomly became unassigned. I could not figure out what happened so i just re assigned the drive and started the array. That wiped the drive but its a redundant pool and there wasn't anything important on it at the time anyway. Since then the array has been running continuously and has not had a single issue with that drive.


Then yesterday i started messing with some unrelated network issues that required me to take the array offline several times.

This is where i started running into issues again. On several occasions the instant i took the array offline the drive would just vanish 


I found that there are a number of ways i can get it to come back. Sometimes it would just come on its own without me doing anything. I would just refresh the page and it would be there (I suspect thats what happened when it "unassigned" itself a couple months ago) 

Other times i would need to reboot at least once but sometimes several times before it would show up again. And i also found that simply plugging the drive and plugging it back in again would also almost always fix it. I tried using different connector on the SAS breakout cable but that made no difference.

Also sometimes the drive would show up like this. 


(It did not assign itself like that i did so i could take the screen shot)


I find this rather confusing... It sounds like a bad ssd but if that was the case why would it only ever show problems when i stop the array? Im sure i could start the array rite now and as long as i dont ever stop it im sure it will still be running fine in 6 months.

The other possibility is my cross flashed LSI card but i suspect that would effect both drives, There is also the ebay SAS breakout cable to consider but the other drive is connected to the same cable and i tried all 3 remaining plugs on that cable. They all have the same issue. The power connection is also a little sketchy but i dont think this is an issue with any physical connections because last i checked electrical faults dont wait for you to press "stop array" 

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Ok so looks like your rite its the power connection. I swapped the sata cable with another drive and nothing happened. So then i swapped the power cables and suddenly the drive i swapped the cables with was not detected. It makes sense i ran out of sata power plugs on my psu so i hacked in some additional plugs from a cheap molex to sata converter (very cheap apparently) This answer just didnt make much sense because the issue only occurs when the array is offline... Unless i am wrong in assuming unraid will throw all sorts of errors at me if a cache drive is lost while the array is online?

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Oh... Ok... so it does give "an error" but its just a notification... I dont pay much attention to those because i get a lot of them for system status and what not. (i may want to adjust my notification settings)


I kinda expected the drive to go red and display some "device missing" message or something. Instead other than that notification it just pretends nothing is wrong...

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