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Problems with Kodi usage with Server?


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i am trying to get my Kodi running with a server database. I have installed the Mariadb Docker and installed a database just like in the video from Spaceinvader One for the Nextcloud setup (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUPmVZ9CgtM).


On the website from the kodi wiki (https://kodi.wiki/view/MySQL/Setting_up_Kodi) i created the advancedsettings.xml with the login data for the SQL-Server.


Have i missed one step because if i start kodi and import a new libary i can not update the libary. Maybe there is a connection or permission problem but how can i solve this problem?

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Did you also do the steps listed on Kodi's website

Type in: CREATE USER 'kodi' IDENTIFIED BY 'kodi'; and press return
Type in: GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'kodi'; and press return
Type in: flush privileges; and press return

You need to either exec into the container (or from the docker page hit Shell from the drop down) to do this.

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