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Upgrade/side grading my drives


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As title says I am replacing all 12 of my 2tb drives with 7 8tb drives. 2 will go to parity, and 5 will he for the rest of the storage. My question is, when I eventually get all 7 drives in, will all my data be essentially moved to those new drives since they are larger? If not is there a way for me to make that happen? All 12 drives have had over 2 million errors each and 2 have physically died. My current parity drive is almost done re-syncing data, then once the first one is done will do start the 2nd parity drive. My plan of attack was once those 2 are done, replace the dead drives first. Obviously one at a time to rebuild the data. 


End goal is have all 12 2tb drives out of system replaced mmthe new 7 8tb drives. All data intact on new drives. 


Thank you 

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As long as you replace a drive by rebuilding its contents onto a new replacement drive then it’s data will remain intact.   I think from your description this is what you intend to do at least for the first 5 data drives.   For these drives the Unraid rebuild process will start by rebuilding the 2TB of data from the old drive and then expanding the file system to utilise the full size of the drive.


You need to do something different for the 5 drives that are not being directly replaced by larger ones.  Unraid will never move data between drives without manual intervention.    Therefore for the drives you intend to remove without putting in a replacement you have to manually trigger copying the data to the drives that are being kept.   You can use the Unbalance plugin to help with this process.

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8 hours ago, JasonSauce said:

End goal is have all 12 2tb drives out of system replaced mmthe new 7 8tb drives. All data intact on new drives. 

The rebuild method won't be good choice for this case, too much unnecessary read / write, it take week+ to complete.


You have 12*2TB data, 24TB, so three 8TB could be cover, why don't mount those new disk by UD, then copy each four 2TB data to one 8TB, and last new config those news disk and perform parity build. You always have all 2TB with data on hand. The only draw back was you can't have data change during copy process.

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