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Drive failure and missing share data


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I recently had a drive fail, no biggie, its happened before. I replaced it with another drive and began the pre-clear. When I brought the server online to pre-clear, the drive shows "not installed" which makes sense, but there is no mention of emulation. Trying to access the shares on the server, much of the data is missing. on individual drives the data is present, but not in the shares. Before I create a larger mess, I was hoping for a little guidance as this is different than any previous drive failure I have had. 


I am running unRAID 6.6.6 

Attached is a copy of my syslog.


My principle concern is rebuilding the array with whatever state the system is in leading to permanent data loss - obviously!


I genuinely appreciate any help that can be offered.


System Log.txt

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I did start the array and performed a check. There were 0 errors found. The unassigned HDD is the original disk that needs replaced. I have a new one pre-cleared and ready to go in. It appears everything is available, which is concerning as it had not been after my last reboot. There is *some* problem lurking in the background.

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