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Hey @brainbudt,

I'd heavily suggest against adding Python to the container, as this is only built to host the code-server platform itself.
While I can't speak for Python, I've installed the PHP executable in my project space, and added it to my PATH, and it works pretty well.

The container does not seem to come with a package manager, as such, you'll either have to compile from source, or get the executables directly somehow, but what I'd suggest it setting up a shared environment with another container that has Python, as such, you'd simply SSH in from the commandline offered by VSCode's UI, and execute your code there.

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  • 3 months later...

Did I miss something? I'm having a hard time getting git to update my repositories. I configured my user globally and setup ssh keys. Neither is working for me. It commits, however, I don't see changes in my repository.


I come from windows vscode with github desktop which is pretty automagic. Please forgive my ignorance.


Could you point me in the direction of a knowledge base that can help fill the gap here? The tutorials I've used thus far haven't helped. 


  • What I did:

I created a directory ~/.ssh and inserted a config file named "config" populated with the following:


Host github.com-mygitusername
    HostName github.com
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-mygitprivatekey
  • I then ran:
git config --global user.name "mygitusername"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
git clone [email protected]:mygitusername/PythonProgramming.git PythonProgramming

It seems to clone just fine but when I use the UI "checkmark" to commit, nothing is uploaded. I'm sure there's a piece I'm missing due to my git-cli noobness. 

And thank you for your assistance and time. 






Fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /home)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

Got this trying to set git remote. 

Edited by Chezro
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  • 4 months later...



First post woop! Just wanted to say that the docker default settings have the docker container port set to 8443 looking at the docker itself it is 8080 meaning if anyone installs this they have to remember to change it.


Hope this saves someone the 15 minutes it has taken me to figure it out!

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