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Hi All,


I'm looking to use my Unraid box to host a shared XBMC library.


For this I need MySQL.


I'd also like PHP and PHPMyAdmin if at all possible. This way I can write some PHP apps to interface directly with the XBMC library.


So.....is it possible to install PHP, MySQl, PHPMyAdmin?



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I took a different approach to this:


I set up unRaid to run Vmware server.


Now, I can add virtual machines with all of the functionality I need without messing with unRaid config.


For example, I have a TurnKey Linux VM that hosts a Joomla dev environment (LAMP) AND a SqueezeBox Server.


Nice thing is I can reconfigure that VM as much as I like without worrying about unRaid messing up (or even going offline), or add additional VMs if necessary for other tasks.


The downside is that I can't upgrade unRaid without recompiling VMWare into it - a not insubstantial task, especially for a Linux newbie like me





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