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Issues Since Upgrade


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Ever since I upgraded to the new unraid version and to a new server I have been having many peculiar issues with unriad, Please can anyone suggest fixes for these


  1.  The Powerdown and Reboot buttons do not work and the console commands do nothing either
  2.  Dockers sometimes stop working
  3.  The Docker page takes ages to load
  4.  The web UI is choppy


Furthermore this has all started happening all of a sudden and did not occu when i originally installed the OS onto the server 2 weeks ago


Thanks for the help

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7 minutes ago, Squid said:

Post the diagnostics before you reboot

Where do i get diagnostics. and I cannot reboot I have to unplug the power cord luckyly I use a disk shelf meaning that doesnt have to be unplugged so my disks dont get damaged

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Sure, Ill just download one from Hp support, quick question is there a way to fix sonarr not detecting files because their names are like idasfbiyeIYBsaFfewF
I don't think so. They're obfuscated and you'll have to manually import

Sent from my NSA monitored device

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