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Replacement Drive also unmountable


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Hey there,


Few weeks back i was hit with an unfortunate case of 'Unmountable: no file system' on Disk 3. I decided to unmount the array, remove that drive from the array, restart the array, stop the array, remount that drive as disk 3, and restart the array.

I've done this in the past to resolve issues, and when replacing drives.


I've now replaced what i thought was a faulty drive, however disk 3 continues to throw this error and cause me grief.


I have tried rebooting, restrating array without a disk 3 (relying on Parity), replacing the drive (disk3) outright with another harddrive. I've swapped the SATA cable it is using, and even swapped the SATAPOWER cable it is using.


I've done some research, and found a few fixes that have worked for others, but i dont want to try anything without having someone look over my logs, just in case i break things further.


I am not really sure how to proceed. Logs attached. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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