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(Solved) Server Migration

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Might be an odd question -

I am planning in the near future to migrate my unraid server from a tower to a rack-mounted server (Supermicro most likely). In doing so, I am looking at upgrading my capacity to 24 drives (unrelated to the question, just background). I will be using completely new hardware with exception of the data drives in the server (My boot is a flash drive and I expect this to stay the same as well). 

With all that being said, should I have any issues with my unraid migration to new equipment? I primarily only use unraid as a plex server and I can backup all my metadata for plex to maintain this, but should all my data drives be fine and my unraid flash drive? Is there anything I should look out or have set up when doing a server change?

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I suppose to clarify the question a little more - Does the unraid boot link to the hardware of the computer allowing server transfers easy, or am I required to get another unraid key to bind to the new equipment (Sorry if I'm wording this horribly). I just know with windows for example you are required to have a windows key PER device which is the same with unraid, but you can get a backup key or submit a request and get a key copy if your computer fails or something happens for example to maintain your windows key. 

I would just like to understand all of the ins and outs of what a server migration is going to look like so it is going to be as seamless as I can make it. Thank you in advance!

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The registration is tied to the GUID of the flash drive, not to any other hardware, so as a general rule you will never have a problem migrating to different motherboards / cpus.


The only time there is an issue is IF you are running a HBA set in RAID mode (IR instead of IT) and it reports it's own serial numbers instead of the serial numbers of the drives themselves and you then move those drive(s) to different controllers that do report the serial numbers correctly.


Long story short, I've done motherboard swaps numerous times, and each and every time I've never had to adjust a thing within unRaid (only within my router to have it issue the static IP to the new MAC address)

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  • Marimuria changed the title to (Solved) Server Migration

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